The safety and close supervision of our students during dismissal is an important and necessary responsibility of the staff. Please note that office staff will not be calling into classrooms to notify teachers of changes in dismissal for your child. If there is a change, please notify the teacher directly via your means of communication no later than 9:00 AM on any given day.
During dismissal times, parents may wait in the vehicle to have their child board or wait on the sidewalk behind the barricades. All students will be escorted outside the building on the sidewalk as designated: PreK, Kindergarten, First, Fourth and Fifth grades will be dismissed on the South side gate next to the PE Pavilion with the exception of Fifth grade on Wednesdays who will be dismissed in the front of the school. Students in Second and Third grades will be dismissed in front of the school daily. Parents are highly encouraged to use our parent Drop-off/Pick-up Vehicle Lane instead of walking up.
The decal is given to parents during the first week of school. If extras are needed, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.
Additionally, parents will not be sent to classrooms for conferences alone; therefore, the office personnel will call the teacher to escort parents to the classroom before or after school hours. When the conference has completed, teachers will escort parents back to the main entrance to depart.
Students waiting for parents to pick them up will be supervised until 10 minutes after dismissal. At 2:00 PM or 3:15 PM, students who have not been picked up will be escorted to the main entrance and left under the supervision of the school monitor to call their parents from the office.
Rainy Day Pick-Up
During dismissal parents must park their vehicle and enter the building to pick up their child from their classroom.
During dismissal, teachers and other staff will monitor students in the bus area to assist with the safe dismissal and boarding of students.
Students who are instructed by their parents to walk home must do so immediately upon dismissal. Written parent permission must be provided to us releasing any students walking home. Students cannot wait in any area on school grounds unsupervised. Students will be escorted to the outside walkways to ensure they walk home immediately after dismissal for their safety.
Please discuss safety measures with students walking to and from school in order to increase safety awareness. Crossing guards and school security help increase student safety. Please follow their instructions.
After School Care
Students who attend the After School Care Program are dismissed as follows:
- Pre-K – 1st grade students are picked up from their classroom by an After School Care activity leader.
- 2nd – 5th grade students are dismissed by their teacher to report immediately to the cafeteria to their activity leader.
Under no circumstances should any student remain in the building or return to the building after dismissal. All students are expected to leave the school grounds within 10 minutes following dismissal time except for students who are enrolled in the After School Care Program. Students who remain on or around the school grounds for a longer period of time are considered high risk and will be taken to the office to contact their parents.
The early release of students causes disruption to the academic performance of all students and may create safety and security concerns. As per School Board Policy 5200, no students shall be released within the final thirty (30) minutes of the school day unless authorized by the principal or principal’s designee (i.e., emergency, sickness).
For the safety of our students, students will not be dismissed 30 minutes prior to dismissal:
- Pre-K – 1st grade students will not be dismissed as of 1:20 PM.
- 2nd – 5th grade students will not be dismissed as of 2:35 PM.