Dismissal Procedures

Dismissal procedures are stipulated as follows: 

  • Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, and First grades will be dismissed on the south side of the PE Pavilion.   
  • Second and Third grade students will be dismissed at the main entrance walkway off 25th Avenue.   
  • Fourth and Fifth grade students will be dismissed on the south side of the building through PE Pavilion. On Wednesdays, Fifth grade students will be dismissed at the main entrance. 

    During dismissal parents will not be allowed in the building.  

    Students waiting for parents to pick them up will be supervised until 15 minutes after dismissal. At 2:05 PM/3:20 PM, students who have not been picked up will be escorted to the main entrance and left under the supervision of the school monitor to call their parents from the office.  

Rainy Day Dismissal  
On rainy days, parents will be allowed to enter the building to pick up their child from their classroom.  

School monitor and teachers on bus duty will monitor students in bus areas to assist with the safe dismissal of students.  In the event that a bus is late, personnel may be required to supervise the bus students as needed.  

Students who are instructed by their parents to walk must do so immediately upon dismissal.  Students cannot wait in any area on school grounds unsupervised.  Students will be escorted to the outside walkways to ensure they walk home immediately after dismissal for their safety.    Please discuss safety measures with students walking to and from school in order to increase safety awareness.  Crossing guards and school security help increase student safety.  Please follow their instructions. 

Students who attend the After School Care Program are dismissed as follows:  

  • Pre-K – 1st grade students are picked up from their classroom by an After School Care Activity Leader.  
  • 2nd – 5th grade students are dismissed by their teacher to report immediately to the Cafeteria to their Activity Leader.  

Early Dismissal 

  • For the safety of our students, students will not be dismissed 30 minutes prior to dismissal:   
    • Pre-K – 1st grade students will not be dismissed as of 1:20 PM.  
    • 2nd – 5th grade students will not be dismissed as of 2:35 PM.